Animal Crossing Wiki

All right! Let's cause some mischief!
― Blanca, New Leaf

Blanca (あやしいねこ Ayashii Neko?, Suspicious Cat) is a special character in the Animal Crossing series. Blanca is a white cat that asks the player to draw them a face. Blanca's English name may come from the feminine Spanish word for "white," which is "blanco." It may also be a play on the word "blank," which refers to how their face is blank until the player draws one for them.

Blanca's gender is variable. Blanca is listed as male in Japan but female internationally. In Wild World and City Folk, Blanca has a distinct lazy/jock voice, both of which are male personality types.


Blanca is a white cat with no visible face. Their face is completely blank as a part of their signature feature. Their only apparel is a pink sleeveless dress with white flower patterns on it.

In New Leaf, they wear a light blue ruff on their neck. Their dress has been changed to make them look like a circus actor, which consists of a red and yellow vertical-striped sleeveless shirt and red and yellow pants with colors swapped on each half.


Blanca - Animal Crossing Wild World

In Animal Forest and Animal Crossing

Blanca will randomly appear when visiting other towns. The first time you meet them, Blanca will have no face, and they will ask you to draw them a new one. If the player meets Blanca again, they may have a different face from the one the player had drawn. ACNL removed this due to players drawing inappropriate things that younger children would see.

In Animal Crossing: Wild World

In Wild World, Blanca will appear if the "Mysterious Cat" mode is turned on (which can be by using the Telephone in the attic), and if the player has used Wi-Fi. They may appear randomly if the previous two conditions are met.

Sometimes, when Rover is at The Roost, he will ask you if you have seen "The Mysterious Cat". He will tell you he goes from town to town in search of it.

In Animal Crossing: City Folk


Blanca makes another appearance in City Folk. They may appear anywhere in the town as long as WiiConnect24 is enabled on both the Wii and the telephone in the attic. Like in the previous games, they will lack a face and ask the player to draw them one. Blanca's face can be drawn a maximum of two times before Blanca refuses any more in one day. This has opened up some abuse with some City Folk users, due to anyone being able to edit Blanca and their face can allow explicit drawings or words - depending on who is on the Friend List. If the player doesn't draw Blanca a face, Blanca will get angry and tell the player that they won't be able to see anything. However, Blanca will only appear with a blank face if they originate in your town. If you have received Blanca from a registered friend, then you will see the face that they drew, but the player may change or clear Blanca's face. Also, Blanca doesn't seem to know if you only add a small to a bunch of detail on their face, however, any of your registered friends may receive them the next day.

In Animal Crossing: New Leaf

Blanca appears again in New Leaf as the event character for April Fools Day.[1] Unlike past games, they will go to a villager's home and pretend to be that villager. The player is then left to decide which one is the original and which is the copy. If guessing correctly, they will receive a picture of the villager as a gift. If the player guesses all the villagers correctly, the player will receive Blanca's picture.


Wild World

New Leaf


  • In Animal Crossing, Rover will constantly speak of a "strange cat." He'll ask the player if they have seen Blanca. Similarly, in Wild World, when spoken to in The Roost, after a while he will mention "a suspicious-looking cat" and asks whether or not you have seen them.
  • Blanca is misreferred to as, "Bianca," in the Animal Crossing Prima Studyguide, which is Whitney's Japanese name, as well as Bianca's English name.
  • When the player gets a fortune told in Katrina's fortune shop, she may talk about Blanca.
  • Blanca's artwork for the original Animal Crossing depicts her drawing a henohenomoheji (a common cartoon face comprised of the hiragana characters he [へ], no [の], he [へ], no [の], mo [も], he [へ], and ji [じ]) on her face.

